lørdag den 16. oktober 2010

Spirits on an Island

Today is going to be a terrific day I think. Me and Host-mutti is going to an island and participate in a spiritual gathering. My host mom is very spiritual and loves to alternative things. She asked me if I wanted to join her today, OFCOURSE I will! It’s going to be really cool. We are driving down to the ferry in about an hour (11:30) so we have a lot of time to explore the island and the beaches surrounding it. She said that I would love the little town on the island, because of its many cute shops and alternative environment. The spiritual thing is first in the evening, and there will be a lot of singing, dancing and “chanting”. Im so excited to go there! I really think I'm going to love it there – let out my inner Hippie! J

And by the way – Im going to my host mom’s son wedding the 14th of November! That is going to be awesome :D
That was all for now – I will make an update when I get back!
-         Stay tuned! 

3 kommentarer:

  1. Hi Sara. Its really exciting following your experiences in Seattle. Your enthusiasm makes it even better! I think you got a good hostmom. Have a nice stay.

  2. Cannot wait to hear more about it!

    And I cannot believe what a perfect match you 2 are for each other!!! Someone must have had a plan in mind when he connected you 2!
    Hope you enjoyed the night and took lots of pics!

  3. Are you home from this evening now ??? :-) I think its time for an update...
