lørdag den 9. oktober 2010

Living in homework hell

This part of the trip I didn't think much about.. The homework part. We are literally drowning in homework from our history teacher – 71 pages, an essay, focus questions and an online quiz – all in English!
I’m getting real frustrated by this!
We don’t have time for anything else – my weekend is all about the homework...
This wasn’t what I had imagined it would be, not at all. I have just realized that I can’t read that many pages and still remember it for Tuesday. And we have to remember it because we are having a test about the material. DAMM YOU, HOMEWORK!
We send an email to our Danish history teacher, but that didn’t help much – In fact nothing. “Take it as a challenge” – It’s not a challenge, its torture!   
 I don’t want to go around and exploring Seattle, and feeling bad about the homework im putting aside. I don’t want to feel this way. This was not what I had in mind when I took this trip.

Okay, enough bitching in one page! – But it was good to let out some steam J
-          - Stay tuned!

1 kommentar:

  1. I feel bad knowing you´re sad about the homework part, but I'll call you sunday morning to see if you're OK. Lots of hugs from us at home...
    By the way - where all the pictures :-)
